class: center, middle # Stack allocation for OCaml Stephen Dolan, Leo White Jane Street --- .left-column[ ## Allocation ### Frequent ] ```ocaml type node = { name: string; successors: string list } type graph = node list let count_self_edges (g : graph) = let count = ref 0 in List.iter (fun node -> List.iter (fun succ -> if succ = then incr count) node.successors) g; !count ``` -- - 16 bytes for the `ref` -- - 32 bytes for the `fun node -> ...` closure -- - 40×N bytes for the `fun succ -> ...` closure --- .left-column[ ## Allocation ### Frequent ### Cheap, not free ] .vspace[] **Short-lived allocations are cheap, but**: -- - Space is not reused quickly causing poor L1 cache usage - GC advances towards the next minor GC so other allocations are promoted unnecessarily --- .left-column[ ## Allocation ### Frequent ### Cheap, not free ### Stack allocation ] .vspace[] **Allocating values on a stack**: - reuses space quickly - does not cause any GC work -- Hard to do safely, though! --- class:center .vspace[] .big[ When is it safe to pass **stack-allocated values** to a function? ] --- .left-column[ ## Prior work ### Region variables ] .vspace[] **Region variables** attach lifetime information to types. -- ```rust struct TwoBorrowedStrings<'a> { x: &'a str, y: &'a str, } ``` -- - Extremely expressive - Syntactically heavyweight --- .left-column[ ## Prior work ### Region variables ### Stack arguments ] .vspace[] Functions that can accept stack arguments are typed with **region polymorphism**: $$ \forall \alpha. \; {\tt TwoBorrowedStrings}[\alpha] \rightarrow () $$ -- Higher-order functions can require higher-rank (non-inferrable) types. --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ] .vspace[] Instead, we mark variable bindings as `local` or `global`: - `global` bindings never refer to stack-allocated values - `local` bindings never escape their *region* (function body or loop) -- Less expressive than region variables, but much simpler. --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ### Modes are deep ] .vspace[] The same types are used at `local` and `global` mode: ```ocaml type node = { name: string; successors: string list } type graph = node list ``` A local `graph` has local contents. -- ```ocaml type part_global = { foo : string; global_ bar : string; } ``` `(...).bar` is always global. --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ### Modes are deep ### Function types ] .vspace[] Our function types specify the mode of their argument: ```ocaml type s = string -> unit type t = local_ string -> unit ``` -- A function of type `local_ 'a -> 'b` cannot capture its argument, so can be passed a stack-allocated value. -- No lifetime variables or polymorphism, so inference works. --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ### Modes are deep ### Function types ### Local returns ] .vpsace[] Function types also have a mode on the return type: ```ocaml module M : sig val f : 'a -> local_ 'a option end = struct let f x = local_ (Some x) end ``` -- Separating the data from the control stack means values can be allocated in the caller's region. --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ### Modes are deep ### Function types ### Local returns ### Typing closures ] Typing rule for closures: $$ \frac{ \Gamma,\;\phantom{\square_i,}\; \phantom{j\;} x: A \vdash e: B \phantom{\;\;@\; k} }{ \Gamma \vdash {\tt fun}\;x \rightarrow e: \phantom{j\; }A \rightarrow \phantom{k\; }B \phantom{\;\;@\; i} } $$ --- .left-column[ ## Modes, not types ### Local and global ### Modes are deep ### Function types ### Local returns ### Typing closures ] Typing rule for closures with modes: $$ \def\phantom#1{#1} \frac{ \Gamma,\;\phantom{\square_i,}\; \phantom{j\;} x: A \vdash e: B \phantom{\;\;@\; k} }{ \Gamma \vdash {\tt fun}\;x \rightarrow e: \phantom{j\; }A \rightarrow \phantom{k\; }B \phantom{\;\;@\; i} } $$ -- - \\(i\\): mode of the closure itself - \\(j\\): mode of the argument - \\(k\\): mode of the return -- Variable access must agree with locking: $$ \frac{ i \leq j\qquad i \leq k }{ \Gamma,\;i x: A,\;\dots,\;\square_j\;,\dots\;\vdash x : A \;\;@\; k } $$ where `global` \\(\leq\\) `local`. --- .left-column[ ## Examples ### Iteration ] .vspace[] ```ocaml val iter : local_ ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit ``` -- .vspace[] ```ocaml let count_self_edges (g : graph) = let count = ref 0 in List.iter (fun node -> List.iter (fun succ -> if succ = then incr count) node.successors; ()) g; !count ``` --- .left-column[ ## Examples ### Iteration ### Currying ] .vspace[] ```ocaml val iter : local_ ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit ``` -- is not: ```ocaml val iter : local_ ('a -> unit) -> ('a list -> unit) ``` -- but instead: ```ocaml val iter : local_ ('a -> unit) -> local_ ('a list -> unit) ``` -- .vspace[] ```ocaml let f = List.iter g ``` --- .left-column[ ## Examples ### Iteration ### Currying ### Local functions ] .vspace[] ```ocaml val iter : local_ ('a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit ``` -- .svspace[] ```ocaml val with_file : filename:string -> local_ (local_ filehandle -> 'a) -> 'a ``` -- .svspace[] ```ocaml val immut_array : length:int -> init:'a -> local_ (local_ 'a array -> 'b) -> 'a immut_array * 'b ``` --- .left-column[ ## Examples ### Iteration ### Currying ### Local functions ### More uses ] .vspace[] ```ocaml val borrow : unique_ 'a -> local_ (local_ 'a -> 'b) -> unique_ 'a * 'b ``` -- .vspace[] ```ocaml val effectful : local_ 'a handler -> unit ``` --- .left-column[ ## Conclusion ] .vspace[] .vspace[] .biggish[.center[Stack allocation is **efficient**...]] -- .biggish[.center[... but locals are useful for **more than speed**.]] -- .center[ .vspace[] .vspace[] Code & docs at:
`{sdolan,lwhite}` ]